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Recently I purchased Let's Label Beginning of School by First Grade Blue Skies. I love the labeling pages, but always try to conserve a tree (when possible) and my precious color ink (my dear hubby worries about!). I printed them in color on card stock and inserted them into page protectors. The kids love using dry erase markers (in their favorite colors of course!) to write the words to label each picture. Since then, Jen has added black and white copies to the unit for your copying ease!
We also have timed math fact tests at our school. I think at times we need to get back to the basics and sometimes kids just need to memorize things! Please don't throw things at me!! Don't get me wrong, we do lots of modeling and practicing with concrete objects, we learn new strategies, and then they must memorize their facts. I LOVE the One Minute Math Program because after the weeks with +0 and +1 facts, they only get one new fact a week. That's all and part of the test is review. So, I insert a page with 30 problems into a page protector and the kids practice with their dry erase markers! I set the timer for a minute and practice daily. I also send home another page in a page protector in their homework folder for nightly practice. They test on Friday and are able to retest the following week if needed. One new fact goes home every other week and we cover addition up to 10.
Sometimes, I see a need in the middle of the day and make a quick activity and don't have time to laminate it. I slide it in a page protector and it keeps until I laminate it or it makes its way out the following year because I stuck it in its folder with every intention of making a new one... Don't judge!
And last but not least, I use them to organize papers! Imagine that:) My latest binder is for my common core. We have to post our strandard, the objective, the essential question and a ticket out (a one-two minute activity to assess if the students comprehend what has been taught). So, I purchased Deanna Jump's Common Core Standards and Anna Brantly's Common Core First Grade Essential Questions to help me out with this.

So now, I just need to type the standards and the ticket outs. Does anyone else have a common board that includes all of this plus the date and homework?

Awesome! Thanks for the shout out...and I use page protectors for EVERYTHING! lol
First Grade Blue Skies
I use page protectors for everything as well. They are such a blessing!
Where Seconds Count
I'll have to check out that labeling unit. That sounds awesome. Thanks for sharing.
Tangled with Teaching
Thanks for visiting my blog.
ReplyDeleteI am a new follower.
rubber boots and elf shoes
Thanks for stopping by my blog. I can't wait to see everyones room either. and YES I love page protectors. We need to conserve on copies as well.
p.s. i am now your newest follower.
ReplyDeleteI'm so happy you found my blog so I could find yours! BTW, your blog is so cute! I'm your latest follower!
Page protectors are wonderful and I'm so glad they sell them at Costco so they don't break the bank.
As for the Common Core board, we don't have to do that, but we do have to have a huge Focus Wall that goes with our Reading Street adoption that has the I Can statements for vocab, comprehension, etc... I wonder how much this really helps, especially for firsties? In any case, having it look cute makes it better. :) I'm trying to make it smaller so that I can have a CAFE board this year, but we'll see how that goes...
Corinna :)
Teaching Fabulous Firsties!
I started my addiction to page protectors this summer when binder-izing my files. I never had my filing cabinet organized enough to use frequently, so I switched to putting everything in binders according to subject and unit. My lovely page protectors hold student work samples and things I don't want hole punched. Love, love my page protectors!