As I was blog stalking last night, I came across a post by Janine at Faithful in First. She posted about the Common Core Workbook for kindergarten that has lessons and worksheets. I followed the link to Common Core Standards and look what I found!
This is an amazing workbook that can be used in conjunction with what you already have. There are worksheets and assessments and did I say ADORABLE graphics? The worksheet and lessons have clear directions, child friendly activities and teach each specific English and Math standard. It is a comprehensive resource for Kindergarten Common Core.
I have purchased the First Grade Common Core workbook. Just click on the link above and then click on the first grade option. I purchased and downloaded the book and am so glad I have instant access to it. I have already printed pages to use this week.
So head on over and let me know what you think!

Thank you so much for posting about this Kindergarten Common Core Workbook filled with hundreds of Kindergarten Common Core Activities, Worksheets and Posters!