I am up for a quick breath after 2 weeks back to school! I have been EXHAUSTED!! So, I am finally linking up with Kacey over at Doodlebugs Teaching for a peek into my week:)
We have jumped into the land of Interactive notebooks this year and I have to say my kids love them! We are going to be using one for reading, one for phonics/work work aligned to our Wonders curriculum and one for math.
I have introduced my Phonics Interactive Journal {Wonders Supplemental-Grade 1-Unit 1}this week. My firsties rocked it! It amazes me that their interaction with the activity totally changes their attitude about the assignment. They loved how the "secret doors" (ie-flaps) worked. They couldn't wait to share their work!
My firsties drew and painted self portraits this week. They actually drew in pencil, traced with a black Sharpie marker for the extra POP and then painted with watercolors. We had "THE TALK" about the Sharpie markers with an "I promise..." pledge to NEVER, EVER write on anything or anyone except paper:) Did I mention the NEVER, EVER part? I think they got the message:) We finally got to labeling the pictures and will be writing about them next week. The labels can are from Lori at Teaching with Love and Laughter and it is a freebie!
We have been building our stamina in Read to Self as we get ready for our Daily 5 time. This week we worked on Read to Someone with our reading basal (Wonders). I typically let them choose between their basal reader, their poetry notebook and fluency passages. Next week we are jumping into Daily 5 Rotations! I can't wait:)
Brain Breaks were REALLY needed this week. I have such a cute, chatty class. So we used lots of Dr. Jean songs for movement and today I introduced Go Noodle! My kids enjoyed surfing in between activities today. I can't wait to try out more new brain breaks.
Have you seen the website for Engage NY? Our county (yes, here in Florida...) is using some of the math modules to support our curriculum. We just completed module 26 on place value and taught a lesson using Rekenrek bracelets and "hide zero cards". Under the 8 is the zero from the number 10. When you add 8 ones (red beads) and flip the card over, it shows the new number 18. The visual really worked for my first graders who needs a tactile activity to make the connection.

Love the portraits! My firsties also love GoNoodle! Have a great weekend!
Learning is for Superstars
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Isn't Go Noodle the best? I haven't done it yet with my second graders, but last year's kiddos loved it!
ReplyDeleteI can't believe how tired I am too!
Sally from Elementary Matters
I love your phonics interactive notebooks! ;) I've been using them this week too! :) We *just*started...so, we're still in the first set! :) We haven't quite made it to the L Blends yet. :) We've been singing a lot in our room this year too! :) I tried them out on a Go Noodle Brain Break last week! :) They LOVED it! :) I have a very active class, so, we find lots of ways to break, dance and learn all at the same time! :) Thanks for sharing about your notebooks! :) You need to do a full post on it! :) They are so fantastic! ;) Maybe I will beat you to it! ;)
Mrs. Russell's Room
I used the math modules on Engage NY last year (I teach in NY.) and the kids did well with them. This year should be even better because the kdg. will be familiar with the vocabulary and fluency activities. We are starting the ELA modules this year.