Its so exciting to select the perfect alphabet as we set up our classrooms, but how much use does it actually get?
Alphabet Posters are a a great visual for students to use throughout the day as the posters hang above your board in the front of the classroom. That being said, students need to be exposed to the alphabet in a variety of ways!
Alphabet Posters can be be used as large flashcards during circle time. I print them 2 to a page so they are large enough for all students to see from any place on the carpet! Depending on the size of the classroom, the smaller size can also be used above the board in the front of the classroom if the larger posters won't fit!
I print out a few additional sets with sixteen to a page. I use one set for alphabet headers on the word wall. I laminate and cut the additional sets and add them to a ring for alphabet practice. You can leave the cards in alphabetical order or differentiate and mix them up.
Are you looking for alphabet charts for writing time? You can cuttomize the pages per sheet with six by five for alphabet charts for your students! There is no need to purchase an additional product.
The best news it students will be more likely to use the Alphabet Posters when they work with the letters and pictures in a variety of forms. Children will be confident and fluent with alphabet order and recognition as engage in these alphabet activities!
Would you like to grab the Alphabet Posters to use in your classroom? They are my gift to you for signing up for The Resourceful Apple Newsletter. I am looking forward to connecting with you!

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